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100% V-Guide to Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon in 98-Minutes

Added: 31.03.2013 20:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

GameXplain: "Our 100% complete walkthrough to Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon will guide you every puzzle and to to every hidden gem stone and Boo in all 5 mansions, including Gloomy Manor, Haunted Towers, Old Clockworks, Secret Mine, and Treacherous Mansion! All in 98-Minutes!"

From: n4g.com

Luigi's Manison 2: Dark Moon Review - JohnnoshArk Reviews

Added: 31.03.2013 9:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

Its no secret, I havent been a fan of the direction Nintendo have been taking their company, and I feel let down by both the 3DS and WiiU. In fact the last time I actually loved a Nintendo console was the Gamecube. One of the games which defined my Gamecube experience was Luigis Mansion. A story about the lesser loved plumber, trying to save his brother from a haunted mansion was both hilarious and captivating. When I found out about Luigis Mansion 2: Dark Moon coming to Nintendo 3DS I had my doubts, and hoped that Nintendo would not butcher a game I had fond memories of. I am glad to say they havent, but have created a game that may just win me back.

From: n4g.com

Review: Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon finally gives Marios brother his chance to shine - Canada.com

Added: 31.03.2013 2:18 | 42 views | 0 comments

While it might not be everyones kind of game, because of its relatively slow pacing and strange sense of humour, if youre a Luigi fan, or fond of Nintendos brand of strange humour, youll find a lot to enjoy with Luigis Mansion Dark Moon.

From: n4g.com

Gamer.No- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Review

Added: 31.03.2013 0:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

GNO:It's not often we get to see Mario's brother, Luigi, take the leading role in a video game. He has always been outside the spotlight and allowed his brother to stand for most heroics.

From: n4g.com

What Are You Playing? March 30th, 2013

Added: 30.03.2013 19:41 | 5 views | 0 comments

Despite how much I enjoyed Bioshock Infinite, I'm not at all motivated to go back and play through it again. The ending is quite a mind f*** so I guess I'm tent on looking back and doing my best to digest it. In fact, I'm likely to stick to handhelds this weekend, mostly thanks to the fact that I've got a new copy of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon staring me in the face.

From: www.gamerevolution.com

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Review: A must-have lovingly-crafted adventure | Digital Spy

Added: 30.03.2013 17:18 | 9 views | 0 comments

Digital Spy: "Luigi's Mansion 2 is the perfect start to Nintendo's Year of the Luigi, and alongside the excellent, five star-rated Fire Emblem: Awakening out next month and the likes of Pokemon X and Y and Animal Crossing: New Leaf to come later this year, it also marks an incredibly promising 2013 for the 3DS. While the system has been blessed with multiple must-have Mario adventures, it's a delight to say there's now an essential one from his often overlooked sibling too."

From: n4g.com

REVIEW - Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)

Added: 30.03.2013 4:18 | 6 views | 0 comments

We have the first title within the "Year of Luigi" and it is a sequel to one of the GameCube's launch titles. It's been 12 years since Luigi has starred in his own title. Will Dark Moon be a game to be frightened away from, or will you be too scared to put it down?

From: feedproxy.google.com

Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon Gems Locations Guide

Added: 29.03.2013 22:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

SegmentNext - "Where to find all Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon Gems in the game".

From: n4g.com

Luigis Mansion Dark Moon Review | GamingVlogNetwork

Added: 29.03.2013 21:18 | 57 views | 0 comments

Its been about 12 years since the release of the original Luigis Mansion on the Nintendo Gamecube. What started off as a tech demo to show off the graphical and processing power of the Gamecube ended up being one of the consoles launch titles when it was shown off as a new game starring Marios twin brother Luigi in 2001. The year is now 2013 and Luigi is back once again in a direct sequel to the original 2001 title in Luigis Mansion Dark Moon for the Nintendo 3DS.

From: n4g.com

DIehard GameFAN:Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon Review

Added: 29.03.2013 12:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

DHGF: Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon is pretty much what you got from its predecessor, just now with a different story, a multiplayer component, and some updated visuals. Its a fun but mostly linear experience that fans of the first game will savor while doing nothing for those that didnt like said GameCube title. Theres not much in the way of story or replay value once youve finished off the single player mode and captured all the optional Boos, but youll have a lot of fun playing the game from beginning to end. Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon might not have a permanent place in my video game library, but much like the first game in the series, Im glad I played it and I think most gamers will have fun with whats here.

From: n4g.com

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